I Spoke at Take Your Business to the Next Level

I Spoke at Take Your Business to the Next Level

It was a joy to serve as a panelist, and if you missed this, you definitely missed an opportunity to learn and be inspired by some strong, smart, beautiful, and intellectually sound businessowners. I learned so many incredible gems that I began implementing asap. I’m a proud member of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc.-Northwest GA Chapter, and it was a delight that our Economic Empowerment committee hosted this event in partnership with WENU!

To learn more about our chapter, become a member, etc. please be sure to visit our website at: https://100nwga.org/

Registration is Open – Wellness Journey: Mind, Body, and Business-Two Sessions

Registration is Open – Wellness Journey: Mind, Body, and Business-Two Sessions

Holistic wellness is important to me. And if you’re here, I believe it’s because it’s important to you as well. This 2-hour webinar will provide a high-level overview excerpt of my packaged wellness program for women in leadership. If you’re a mom, wife, sister, aunt, CEO, Executive Director, manager, then you’re in leadership and this session is for you. I usually offer one discounted program of this type around this time every year. Based on several responses/requests I’ve received, wellness was one of two topics that continued to come up. 

During our time together, I’ll provide you with some tangible resources and takeaways that you can implement immediately. We’re nearly halfway through the year, and many women are looking for ways to reset and recharge. I invite you to attend this session with my commitment to you to provide an interactive, safe space to relax, receive, and reset. There are only 15 slots per session, so secure your space early.
The cost is $97 and there are two options for attendance. Upon payment, you will receive a welcome from me and your name will go into a drawing for a wellness gift I’m purchasing from The Wellness Station (owner Elizabeth Dorse Meriwether). The winner will be announced at the end of each webinar (must be present to win). You’ll receive your webinar link to attend within 48 hours of the date you selected.
Please use this link to register: https://forms.gle/7yRAU6Mgqui8bVgr5
Meet Joyce Kyles-Canvas Rebel Feature

Meet Joyce Kyles-Canvas Rebel Feature

I am honored and humbled to be featured in Canvas Rebel for my business and advocacy work. I love helping others move from stagnant to success! I welcome the opportunity to coach your next staff retreat, program and resource development training, individual and leadership coaching, consulting, and of course, be a keynote or conference presenter. I welcome the opportunity to work with you. You can read the entire article here: https://canvasrebel.com/meet-joyce-kyles/ Photo Credit: Tran Bui Productions
Wonder Woman in Business-Freeman Means Business Feature

Wonder Woman in Business-Freeman Means Business Feature

I was recently honored with the opportunity to be interviewed on the Freeman Means Business blogcast. It’s an amazing platform that among other things, focuses on amplifying women’s voices through storytelling. I welcome each of you to read more and take a listen to the interview using the following link: https://freemanmeansbusiness.com/blog/2022/8/27/wonder-woman-in-business-joyce-kyles

I also strongly encourage you to learn more about the CEO, her business, and all of the awesome things she’s involved in.