Walking the Paved Road with HERoines

Walking the Paved Road with HERoines

It was my honor to serve as the keynote speaker for Fresh Touch Publicity’s Annual HERoine Awards. The theme was Walking the Paved Road. Seven women were honored who have successfully overcome obstacles from all walks of life. For some, it was abuse. For others,...
Economic Justice with the National Network to End DV

Economic Justice with the National Network to End DV

I was honored to be a guest presenter for the National Network to End Domestic Violence’s Economic Justice Summit. It was held in Detroit, MI. The two day summit featured approximately 540 organizations from around the country who shared a passion for helping...
Using Social Media for Social Justice

Using Social Media for Social Justice

When it comes to social justice, awareness and voicing the trials and/or triumphs of our citizens, social media is one of the most powerful tools on the planet. It’s important to understand which platforms will provide the best leverage for your targeted audience. I...
You are Perfect

You are Perfect

I have thoroughly enjoyed being a contributing writer for Megan Mottley’s Vision for Daily Devotionals. I’m one of 12 women who share insights on everything from business to health and wellness! Here’s an except from my latest posting. “Bruises...
Blogging for The Glamour Girl Movement Devotionals

Blogging for The Glamour Girl Movement Devotionals

I’m excited to have been asked to participate in the Devotional Series created by Megan Mottley. Megan is the visionary and CEO of The Glamour Girl Movement. The GGM is teaching women the benefits of getting the Ultimate Makeover. The mission is to disciple...