When it Seems that Nothing is Working

When it Seems that Nothing is Working

So, twice this week, I woke up with great intentions and a detailed plan of what I wanted and needed to do. And, twice this week, everything I set out to do failed miserably. I woke up late both times. I had a migraine one of those days. The events I wanted to attend...
You Won’t Be Everyone’s Cup of Tea

You Won’t Be Everyone’s Cup of Tea

If you are part of  any form of social media, you have undoubtedly seen at least one or two memes of Kermit the Frog quoting something sarcastic, funny or informative…all while sipping his tea. For those of us who grew up watching television in the prime of The...
The Power of Fear

The Power of Fear

What has kept you from pursuing your new business? What’s keeping you from leaving that unhealthy relationship? Why are you still working for a company that doesn’t appreciate your true worth? Why do you feel obligated to remain friends with someone who...
Save the Date-Girls Night Out

Save the Date-Girls Night Out

I’m excited to facilitate this event again this year. Be part of “The Talk” on domestic violence, learn about establishing a healthy relationship with yourself and others, and how to find help for you and those you love. Bring your girlfriends,...
Optional Roads to Your Destination

Optional Roads to Your Destination

A really good friend once told me that I should always have three routes in mind when planning to go anywhere. I always thought that at least two were sufficient. But, after a severe storm,  extremely bad accident and two separate unsuccessful routes, I found myself...