NRCDV’s Webinar Series for Mind, Body, and Soul

NRCDV’s Webinar Series for Mind, Body, and Soul

The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence is hosting informative and engaging programs and workshops all month long! I am honored to be one of the presenters for the weekly workshop series. My specific date is October 13th, but I strongly encourage each of you to please tune in each Thursday! I am excited to hear the information that will be presented, as well as to have the opportunity to share. Get all of the details here:

A special note from NRCDV:

#Join us Thursdays in October for our #DVAM webinar series: #1Thing to #Care4Advocates Mind, Body, and Soul!

The FBI Addresses Domestic Violence

The FBI Addresses Domestic Violence

One of my biggest honors this year was to serve as the Keynote Speaker the FBI’s Annual Domestic Violence Awareness program at their national headquarters in Washington, DC. The event was hosted dually in person as well as virtually so that their international employees would have the opportunity to participate. I also had the pleasure of conducting a special workshop with their EAP employees on a separate day.

To know me is to know that law enforcement and criminal justice are extremely important to me. As I shared during both opportunities, my initial plan was to become an attorney. I also had aspirations of pursuing a career in the military-the Air Force specifically. As life would have it, I would not do either in the ways I had originally planned. However, I continue to share my time and talents in both spaces, and for that, I consider myself fortunate and blessed.


Behind Closed Doors

Behind Closed Doors

On October 4th, I will present to the members of the Junior League of Memphis. The topic is Behind Closed Doors, A Conversation About Domestic Violence. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. This will be  an open and candid conversation about the invisible scars of domestic violence, recognizing the not so obvious signs, and providing some strategic and tangible ways to support and holistically restore yourself and/or others with healthy resources and solutions. As always, I am honored to have the opportunity to speak, share, and educate on various topics, and domestic violence is personally as well as professionally important to me.

Virtual Discussion: DV-The Second Pandemic

Virtual Discussion: DV-The Second Pandemic

I will be taking part in this discussion on Saturday, May 30, 2020 from 5 to 7pm EST. Please see the login information below and make plans to join us.

Topic: Domestic Violence: The 2nd Pandemic
Time: May 30, 2020 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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