by Joyce Kyles | Oct 23, 2017 | Blog
I had
the absolute pleasure of being the Keynote speaker for this year’s Project STAND event. Project STAND is an annual fundraising event designed to provide awareness and resources to victims/survivors of domestic violence and the community at large. I’ve been fortunate to attend almost every year. And, our nonprofit organization, Walking Into A New Life, Inc., has benefited from the proceeds of the event. This year, I was privileged with the task of being the Keynote speaker.
In my address, I wanted to make sure attendees understood the importance of giving, being a good servant leader and being mindful of the language they use when addressing victims of abuse. I also stressed the importance of seeking help, counseling and trusting the judicial system. Among other things, talked about not simply encouraging survivors to just leave an abusive relationship without a plan, as that plan will help to determine when and how they can do it safely.
As always, we had a great time! Food, fun, fellowship and outstanding entertainment. If you didn’t attend this year, I suggest you make plans to come out NEXT year.
by Joyce Kyles | Oct 13, 2017 | Blog
As we continue to recognize October as National Domestic Violence Awareness month, I am reminded of one of the single biggest questions I’m asked, Why Doesn’t She Leave? I decided to write a few of my thoughts and submit them to The Memphis Flyer. I’m pleased to share my thoughts were featured in this week’s Viewpoint section of their newspaper. I am hopeful that those who read it will find it to provide a more intimate look at the barriers individuals affected by domestic violence are facing. I also hope it inspires others to become more involved in establishing and maintaining solutions to help our brothers and si
sters who need help, support, guidance and resources.
Please take a read and feel free to leave a comment:
by Joyce Kyles | Oct 4, 2017 | Blog
For the past six years, the Whitehaven Public Library has hosted an event called Girls Night Out on Domestic Violence. I have had the privilege to facilitate it all six years. The first year, I was asked to facilitate with another person from another organization. The following year, I was asked to do it alone and have been doing so ever since. I always look forward to it, and I always have a great time.
Donna Parnell Windham is over programs at the library. She wanted to start GNO because of the things she saw and heard from the people, specifically young women, who frequent the library. We were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to be featured on Local 24 to talk about the event and our passion for the work. Many thanks to news anchor Amy Speropoulos for a great interview and her caring spirit. The TV interview is here:
by Joyce Kyles | Sep 24, 2017 | Blog
Currently, HuffPost is doing a 25 city tour called Listen To America. Reporters are traveling and taking the time to listen to the citizens of each chosen city. Stop #4 was right here in Memphis. I was asked what I was doing in Memphis. I shared my thoughts in a 45 second voice recording and had my photo taken. I am so pleased to share that my thoughts were one of several featured. The link is attached at the end of my blog post.
You all have no idea how cool it was to wake up Sunday morning and see an email from HuffPost that included my name, my thoughts and my actual recorded voice. So many things I wish I’d said in hindsight. But, the most important thing I wanted to say is the very thing I did say. That is wanting to be found helping survivors of abuse to find ways to heal. Through our nonprofit, Walking Into A New Life, Inc. as well as my personal speaking and training efforts as my own brand, I’d like to believe in my own way, I am making a difference in the lives of others. Here’s what me and a few others had to say about Memphis and why we are here.
Photo Credit: Damon Dahlen, Huffington Post
by Joyce Kyles | Sep 20, 2017 | Blog
October is nationally recognized as Domestic Violence Awareness month. It is also Breast Cancer Awareness month. I will spend much of my time in October speaking and working to bring awareness and action regarding domestic violence, personal development, entrepreneurship, etc. But, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on an issue and part of my life I rarely talk about.
I was taking a shower. My left breast felt uncomfortable and sore. I’d noticed a sharp pain in the same area once before, but I dismissed it as having bumped into something and possibly bruised myself. I didn’t see any bruising, but after a better examination of myself, I did discover a lump.
I didn’t know a lot about breast cancer, but I knew enough to be concerned about the lump I’d discovered. At the time, I was pregnant. I had a million questions and ‘what ifs’ running through my mind. I was confused. How did I get this? Where did it come from? How long had it been there? Will I need chemotherapy? I was scared, and I didn’t know anyone who had gone through any aspect of this.
I talked with my Dr who decided it was best to perform a biopsy. It was a simple outpatient procedure with very little discomfort. The mass was removed from my breast, tested and came back benign. I was both thankful and relieved. The procedure didn’t affect my pregnancy in any way. I’m glad to have gone through the process.
It would be nearly 25 years before I would have another professional breast exam performed. I had a mammogram two weeks ago. I received my test results a couple of days ago. The tests came back as normal. There is absolutely no excuse I can give as to why it has taken me so long to have another exam. In my ignorance, I think I’d not taken the time to do it because I didn’t feel another lump, so I believed there was nothing to be concerned about. But, I’m grateful to my dear friend Katrina who is one of the most dedicated and knowledgeable advocates for health care I know. She has been a huge advocate for issues surrounding breast cancer. I’ve heard her give presentations over the years. A few weeks ago, I actually took the time to really listen. I considered my age, my perceptions and a couple of people who are really close to me and how they’d overcome breast cancer. I felt convicted and was convinced it was beyond time to get an exam.
Do NOT allow your age or lack of insurance to falsely convince you to not get an exam. You can perform self exams at home and there are agencies with grant money available to cover your expenses. If you feel anything which makes you feel uncomfortable or painful, talk with your primary care physician immediately. Or, reach out your local health department for assistance. I vow to get an examination each year going forward. I hope this blog will encourage you to do the same and/or share with friends/family.