by Joyce Kyles | Oct 26, 2013 | Speaking Appearances
I served as the keynote speaker for MHOR’s annual event. This was wonderful opportunity to share with others about my experiences and what it means to overcome, survive and thrive. The event included dinner and special recognition to survivors.
In support of Domestic Violence Awareness Month M.H.O.R. is hosting our 2nd Annual Survivors Ball 2013- This formal event is a “Celebration of Life” for women, men, and children who have survived domestic abuse. There will be fine dining, live entertainment, prize giveaways, but most important uplifting testimonials of survivors who made it out of their abuse alive. Please join us as we host this event at:
The Links at Whitehaven Country Club
October 26, 2013
750 East Holmes Road
Memphis, TN 38109
by Joyce Kyles | Jul 29, 2013 | Speaking Appearances
by Joyce Kyles | Mar 3, 2013 | Pamper & Support Day, Speaking Appearances, Walking In to A New Life

I was one of two speakers to present at Ashes2Beauty, Inc’s first Day of Pampering Event. Kelley Alsobrook, pictured, is the Founder of Ashes2Beauty, Inc and it was her vision to provide women who’ve suffered abuse in any form to experience a complete day of pampering. This included manicures, hair design, make up artistry, before and after photos, food and fellowship. Megan Mottley, Author of The Glamour Girl Movement, gave a wonderful presentation on embracing your inner and outer beauty. Yolanda Gates (Quiet Storm) delivered a very moving spoken word piece. Kudos to Tiffany Smith-Cook, her glamour team and to every person who volunteered their time and talents.
I shared my insights as a survivor and advocate, offering words of encouragement and support to the attendees. My goal was to share with them that no matter where they may be in their situation (still in it, thinking of leaving or already gone) there’s hope, safety and tangible resources available. The road to transition is not an easy one, but it is attainable. I do not measure my survival success in terms of dollars, but in my determination to take each day as it comes, knowing that every day will not be an easy day, but each day has hope and promise.
by Joyce Kyles | Mar 1, 2013 | Speaking Appearances, Walking In to A New Life

What an honor it was to serve as Mistress of Ceremony for A Belle That Cares Outreach’s Teen Dating Violence Prevention Brunch. The event had a two objective, and was held Saturday, February 23, 2013. One, the event was designed to educate young ladies about teen dating violence, what is it, Knowing the signs of abuse and how to protect yourself and others. Two, the event officially launched the outreach program’s extensive list of initiatives and community service opportunities for young ladies. The admission to the event was the donation of a youth or adult formal dress or suit.
Those in attendance had the opportunity to hear from dynamic speakers about domestic violence, inner and outer beauty and, for this event in particular, that there are organizations & programs available to help young ladies to attend special events for a minimal cost. I was able to share my experience of using a consignment boutique to find a dress for a college pageant (for which I won). I was a single mother of three & could not afford a new dress but still wanted to participate in the pageant. Shopping consignment was a great experience for me.
Kudos to Rashida Patterson, Owner of Belle Of The Ball Prom Dress Consignment & Founder of A Belle That Cares Outreach Program for having the vision to combine glamour, education, community involvement and self esteem builders all in one event. It was a lot of fun for everyone.
by Joyce Kyles | Feb 26, 2013 | Men Against Domestic Violence, Speaking Appearances, Uncategorized

Hosted by Founders and Co-Hosts, Dr. Orlester and First Lady JoAnn Johnson, the Daddy’s Girls Conference focuses on raising awareness the impact and necessary role that fathers (daddies) play in the lives of their children. The conference also focuses on bringing help, hope, and healing to victims of abuse. This 3-night conference is held every year in September at the Greater Faith Tabernacle Church’s Institute for Success,and offers nightly seminars featuring powerful keynote speakers, testimonials and deliverance, instrumentalists, one-on-one counseling and more.
The goal of the conference is to help men, women, and children who are being or have been negatively impacted by the absence or abuse of their Earthly father, or other male figure in their life, to embrace the gifts of love, hope, and healing provided by their Heavenly Father.
To learn more about Dr. Orlester Johson, First Lady JoAnn, the Daddy’s Girls Conference and more, please visit their website at
by Joyce Kyles | Feb 19, 2013 | Speaking Appearances, Walking In to A New Life

( Pictured from left to right: Brenda Alexander from Victims to Victory, Kristee Lane from 103.5 WRBO, Joyce Parkinson, keynote speaker & founder of Walking Into A New Life, Inc. and Rubbie King from Family Safety Center)
I had the privilege of serving as the keynote speaker at the 3rd Annual Taffi Crawford Memorial Luncheon. For those who may not be aware, Taffi’s life was senselessly lost at the hands of domestic violence February 12, 2010. Her abuser, Frank Graham, was convicted of First Degree murder in her shooting death in January, 2012. He is currently serving a life sentence.
The luncheon included a candlelight ceremony to honor those who’ve lost their lives in 2012 due to domestic violence (30 in all). Taffi’s son lit a memorial candle in her honor. Representatives from various organizations spoke about the services they provide for victims and survivors of domestic violence and their families. There was musical entertainment to go along with great food and fellowship.
In my keynote address, I talked about courage and what we could learn from Taffi’s life, as well as her death. I talked about the importance of getting involved, walking away and providing resources among other things.
I think one of the most important things to note about Taffi is that she recognized that she was in an unhealthy relationship and left. She was happy and moving on with her life. She had the support of family and friends, a career she found fulfilling and enjoyed life. Everyone spoke of how beautiful she was on inside, which definitely complimented her outer beauty. Her death is a reminder that even when an individual actually leaves their abusive situation, they may still fall victim to their abuser. No plan is 100% safe and not every abuser is willing to move on and allow their victims to do the same.
As we reflect on Taffi, Karen, Ashley and others who’ve lost their lives to domestic violence, let us remember to reach out to those who we suspect or know may be actively involved in unhealthy relationships, support them, help them transition out and follow up with them regarding their overall health and safety.