(MHA) Security Domestic Violence Sensitivity Training

  On Monday October 13, 2014, Walking Into A New Life conducted our second Domestic Violence Sensitivity Training module as part of Eagle Eye Security’s In-Service Training, a contractor with the Memphis Housing Authority. Eagle Eye CEO and Retired Captain at Shelby County Sheriff’s Office, Bennie Cobb, incorporated the DV training for his security personnel again this year after the positive feedback and service improvements implemented by his team after the 2o13 training. The company operates in two of Memphis’ largest urban housing developments where domestic violence incidences are increasing among both females and males are victims.

Our founder and trainer, Joyce Kyles offered safety tips, DV resources, judicial insight, resolutions strategies, and encouragement for the officers who engaged her with their professional and personal experiences. “We are looking to formulate our training into a standard that can offered through other HUD agencies in Tennessee and nationwide to help address the growing domestic violence epidemic among teens and young people in urban areas across the country” said Kyles.