by Joyce Kyles | May 29, 2020 | Blog
I will be taking part in this discussion on Saturday, May 30, 2020 from 5 to 7pm EST. Please see the login information below and make plans to join us.
Topic: Domestic Violence: The 2nd Pandemic
Time: May 30, 2020 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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by Joyce Kyles | May 1, 2020 | Blog
Beautiful Spirited Women recently gave me the opportunity to present a live virtual workshop entitled “Love Doesn’t Hurt.” I was able to share insights regarding forms of abuse, how to recognize the signs and how/where to get support. I also had the opportunity to answer questions. While this workshop was geared towards the young ladies BSW provides services for, parents, caregivers, and those responsible for young ladies were able to gain information they will be able to share and use within their circles of influence.
Please take a look at the recorded video here:
About Beautiful Spirited Women: Beautiful Spirited Women is a non- profit organization that was founded in Memphis TN by Crystal Clark -Chatman. BSW is a support group of who support young ladies with providing volunteer work, mentoring, tutoring, and other opportunities that will help put a smile on their face.
by Joyce Kyles | Jan 21, 2019 | Blog
It is my honor to be a speaker at the One Woman Fearless Summit-New Orleans.
Join me, along with other nationally/internationally acclaimed speakers, including Ambassador Speaker and Mentee to Oprah Winfrey, Mpumi Nobiva. March 2, 2019 at One Woman Fearless-New Orleans
So…what exactly is One Woman? Glad you asked. As taken directly from the About Us section of the website, One Woman is as followed:
“One Woman is a global social enterprise on a mission to help women and girls around the globe live their dreams and reach their full potential through education and entrepreneurship. We believe that all women are born with incredible gifts to share with the world and make each of our communities a better place. Our goal is to provide the tools, educational opportunities, support and encouragement to empower women to become all that they can be. When women around the world are united we will make a difference, one woman at a time.”
Bring a woman (or a group of women) with you. Let’s learn, network, and strategize a plan of action to collectively change the world, one community at a time!
by Joyce Kyles | Jan 7, 2019 | Blog
2019 is in full swing. Where are you in your current mental and physical state? The topic is likely what you think it’s about, but I’m taking a deeper and more candid look at holistic health and wealth as we progress in 2019. It will be fun, interactive, and informative. Each attendee will leave with some tangible resources/action plan with my promise to provide a follow up/check in for accountability. Just bring yourself and an open mind. Everything else will be provided. We’ll have food, fun, and fellowship!
RSVP using CashApp: $JoyceKyles or with PayPal:
Date: February 23, 2019
Time: 11am to 1pm
Location & Additional Info: Provided upon RSVP
Cost: $20
by Joyce Kyles | Dec 31, 2018 | Blog
In 2008, I made a life changing decision. I left an abusive marriage. I was extremely uncertain about where my journey would take me. I only knew that I could not continue down the path I was on, especially with my children. I was a very sad, broken individual. I was embarrassed and ashamed. I was financially challenged. It would prove to be one of the best decisions. I could have ever made.
The photo doesn’t begin to scratch the surface of my holistic success. But, it’s a great collage of one photo for every year since I rediscovered myself. Over the past ten years, I’ve started a business, a non-profit, gotten remarried, raised my children, became a proud MiMi, reconnected on my spiritual journey, became a 2x Amazon best selling author, have spoken and presented on some amazing stages, met some of the most interesting people in the fields I love, and most of all, learned how to love myself. One of the most amazing things I came to terms with while putting together these series of photos was recognizing that I am holistically beautiful. You cannot look at the photos and instantly tell which one is from the beginning of my journey and which one is the most current. I didn’t see myself and aesthetically or emotionally attractive.
As we enter into 2019, I am extremely excited about the direction of my life. I have s.m.a.r.t. goals. I have a great support system. I believe in myself. I have definitely experienced some major setbacks. I have disappointed others. I’ve been disappointed. The valley moments have given me the tools and courage I needed to accomplish the peaks and fully appreciate the process it took to get to them. I thank you for reading, and for being part of my journey. Sign up for my newsletter if you haven’t already. I’ll be sharing more news, events, prizes, and surprizes.
by Joyce Kyles | Nov 25, 2018 | Blog
This will be a 2 hour holistically strategic WORK shop. Come prepared to be an active participant. This is a personal & interactive opportunity to establish and maintain tools, resources and a realistic and tangible plan of action with an open and honest dialogue based on a portion of my book, Restoring the Whole in My Soul. Before you head into your personal and/or professional ventures for 2019, I invite you to intentionally reflect, release, renew, and restore in the now. ONLY 20 SLOTS AVAILABLE.
This will NOT be your standard listen/lecture type of session. Reserve your spot ONLY if you’re ready to invest a couple of hours of your time towards your written & visual wholeness, commitment to being accountable, willingness to discover & accept your calling/assignment, and try some old school/new strategies. The workshop will be recorded and available for an additional 72 hours for those who RSVP. Once you register, you’ll receive a confirmation email and additional information/instructions relevant to the success of your attendance. Your name will also go into a drawing for one attendee to receive a gift bag of goodies totalling $50 (just in time for the holidays)!
COST: $20.00
RSVP: CashApp: $JoyceKyles or PayPal: