Meet Joyce Kyles-Canvas Rebel Feature

Meet Joyce Kyles-Canvas Rebel Feature

I am honored and humbled to be featured in Canvas Rebel for my business and advocacy work. I love helping others move from stagnant to success! I welcome the opportunity to coach your next staff retreat, program and resource development training, individual and leadership coaching, consulting, and of course, be a keynote or conference presenter. I welcome the opportunity to work with you. You can read the entire article here: Photo Credit: Tran Bui Productions
Mental Health/Illness: It Matters

Mental Health/Illness: It Matters

My initial reason for wanting to learn more about mental health and mental illness came as a result of my own diagnosis of PTSD. I had always believed that PTSD was associated with the military and war. As a survivor of abuse, I learned so much more about myself, my triggers, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a whole. When I started on my journey of domestic violence awareness, I wanted to make sure that self-care, the encouragement of counseling, and receiving tangible resources were all emphasized. I’m thankful to work with others who share the same passion, and our activities have become welcomed signatures in the community.

I’ve elected to make mental health and mental illness one of my signature subjects to speak and present on because these subjects impact how we show up in the world. There is still so much stigma around seeking help and support. I am someone who has survived and now thriving personally and professionally. But that could not happen without counseling, a positive support system, and being honest about my experiences and the ways my life has been impacted by them. Attending a support group has been helpful as I have experienced others who are close to me who are dealing with feelings and situations that I once experienced. I love what I do in business and advocacy. My lived experiences and my transparency in sharing them have been freeing for me. But I’m extremely honored and humbled when someone shares how they’re able to relate and something they’ve gotten from what I’ve shared.

I, like so many, am extremely saddened about the loss of Stephen tWitch Boss. I know what it’s like to contemplate suicide. It’s so sad to know that he felt suicide was the only way to find peace. My prayers are with his family, friends, loved ones, and the communities at large. I am still finding myself thinking of Miss USA 2019 Cheslie Kryst and how thankful I am to have spent time with her and share the stage with her. She was so encouraging and complimented me and my work. I’m grateful we could enjoy some BBQ and conversation about a myriad of things. I am reminded of the laughs that she, my husband, and I shared. These are two of many young, gifted, beautiful people who struggled to live. I will continue to do all I can to educate others while ensuring that I work on my own mental health and wellness. Counseling and talking about all topics around mental health and mental illness should be celebrated as self-care strategies for healing rather than viewed as a stigma and a sign of weakness. There is strength in acknowledging that one needs and desires help and support.

Professional Workshops for Women

Professional Workshops for Women

I’m very excited to be a presenter for this month’s professional development workshops for women. We would absolutely love to have you join us and share with others. As always, these workshops are free of charge. We truly believe the attendees will find this month to be especially free-ing!

Sign up here:

Benchmark Education Conference

Benchmark Education Conference

I will be one of the presenters for the Benchmark Education Conference being held on October 20, 2022, in Cairo, Egypt. I am honored to share time and space with some amazing women and men who are committed to sharing their expertise in education and technology. To learn more about the conference, mission, vision, speakers, agenda, registration and so much more, visit their website at

Be prepared to be inspired and engaged with a day filled with lectures, panel discussions, and workshops!


NRCDV’s Webinar Series for Mind, Body, and Soul

NRCDV’s Webinar Series for Mind, Body, and Soul

The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence is hosting informative and engaging programs and workshops all month long! I am honored to be one of the presenters for the weekly workshop series. My specific date is October 13th, but I strongly encourage each of you to please tune in each Thursday! I am excited to hear the information that will be presented, as well as to have the opportunity to share. Get all of the details here:

A special note from NRCDV:

#Join us Thursdays in October for our #DVAM webinar series: #1Thing to #Care4Advocates Mind, Body, and Soul!

Wonder Woman in Business-Freeman Means Business Feature

Wonder Woman in Business-Freeman Means Business Feature

I was recently honored with the opportunity to be interviewed on the Freeman Means Business blogcast. It’s an amazing platform that among other things, focuses on amplifying women’s voices through storytelling. I welcome each of you to read more and take a listen to the interview using the following link:

I also strongly encourage you to learn more about the CEO, her business, and all of the awesome things she’s involved in.