Networking Strategies with LeMoyne-Owen College

Networking Strategies with LeMoyne-Owen College

Presenting to the Business Students' Association of LeMoyne-Owen College about The Importance of Networking was personally and professionally gratifying. I reconnected with someone who remembered me, my why, and my start from nearly 10 years ago! It was such a joy me...

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Women’s Empowerment / Health and Wellness

Women’s Empowerment / Health and Wellness

This month is all about Women's Empowerment and Health and Wellness. We invite you to join us for these monthly workshops which are free of charge. If you've not yet participated in one of these workshops, this is a great time to get started. We invite you to share...

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Teen Dating Violence-Girl Talk with Houston High School

Teen Dating Violence-Girl Talk with Houston High School

It was indeed my privilege to return to Houston High School. This time, it was all about the young ladies. They have started a Beautifully Unique Girls Club. It gives them the opportunity to talk about important issues in a safe space for full transparency and self...

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THI Nursing Graduation

THI Nursing Graduation

What a great way to end 2021! I gave the Commencement Address for The Health Institute's Fall Graduation for their Nursing and Phlebotomy graduates. It was indeed an honor to share my experiences, provide hope, encouragement and a call to action for not only the...

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The FBI Addresses Domestic Violence

The FBI Addresses Domestic Violence

One of my biggest honors this year was to serve as the Keynote Speaker the FBI's Annual Domestic Violence Awareness program at their national headquarters in Washington, DC. The event was hosted dually in person as well as virtually so that their international...

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