Meeting and Interviewing Robert Townsend

Meeting and Interviewing Robert Townsend

To know me well is to know my love for movies. In fact, my husband tells me ALL the time that I need to find out how I can get PAID to become a film critic, discover a way to share my writing and love of little known facts,  I'm not sure where I'd need to...

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‘Do Justice’ Theme for Agape’s Heartlight Event

‘Do Justice’ Theme for Agape’s Heartlight Event

I hope you will enjoy reading my recently published article featuring Bryan Stevenson and Brian Fikkert. Both men were absolutely amazing. If you've never had the opportunity to hear them speak, please research to find out where they may be and make plans to do so....

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What Color is YOUR Elephant? Join Me!

What Color is YOUR Elephant? Join Me!

Saturday, February 10th from 1 to 3pm, I'd love to have you as my guest for What Color is YOUR Elephant? It's an interactive look into the 'elephant in the room' about ourselves and what others see but don't tell us. We'll talk about the truths and lies we often tell...

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You May Be Popular, But What About Impact?

You May Be Popular, But What About Impact?

I was nominated for an award last year regarding my book. However, the criteria for becoming a finalist was not based on popularity. I listened intently on Facebook Live as the event organizer shared her vision regarding the awards ceremony. She made one statement...

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My Voice is Here to Stay

My Voice is Here to Stay

Like millions of others, I watched the 75th Annual Golden Globe Awards ceremony. The solidarity in the room was evident. Many of the attendees wore black in support of the #metoo and #timesup movement regarding sexual assault and inequality. Among the attendees were...

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