My Article on Annie: The “Dance-sical”
I truly appreciate every freelance writing opportunity I receive. My latest came in the form of interviewing Chauniece R. Thompson, executive artistic director of Ballet on Wheels (BOW). Attendees witnessed a future Misty Copeland, Ashley Murphy or Ebony Williams...

My Interview with Valeisha Butterfield Jones
When I was asked if I'd be able to interview Valeshia Butterfield Jones, I calmly responded by saying 'sure I can do it.' On the inside, I was screaming with excitement! Here I was, new to the freelance world and having the opportunity to interview one of the most...

Kyles Connections: Our Business of Connecting People, Purpose & Productivity
I'm excited to tell you about Kyles Connections: Connecting People, Purpose & Productivity! Formally known as JP Connections, it has been a joy to restructure and rebrand our writing and web design business. We added some new services and a new name, literally! I...

MLK50: ‘Mountaintop Speech’ Remembrance Summons Crowd for Reflection, Action
One of the best opportunities I've ever received as a freelance writer has been my involvement with the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassination. Living in Memphis has provided a unique, first hand experience for me. During the week long series...

Register Now For A Uniquely Healthy Journey from the Inside Out
Have you ever considered your relationship with self, family, friends or food? Make plans now to join Katrina Kimble and I for our first joint workshop of 2018! This is not another event, but a journey to whole-person wellness! Each person's definition of healthy is...