Vivamus porta orci eu turpis vulputate

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris sit amet commodo mauris, sit amet commodo turpis. Duis consequat placerat lacus, in sagittis metus pretium vel. In luctus justo venenatis, accumsan justo sit amet, volutpat dolor. Pellentesque quis nulla...
Happy Anniversary to Us

Happy Anniversary to Us

I just wanted to take a quick moment to acknowledge my 2 year wedding anniversary to my amazing husband, Jason. People often ask me how I gained enough trust in someone to allow them into my heart after having dealt with abuse. I dedicated an entire chapter of my...
2016 Reproductive Justice at the Intersections Honoree

2016 Reproductive Justice at the Intersections Honoree

I’m honored beyond words to have been selected as one of 12 women in our community as the Elizabeth Terry Reproductive Justice at the Intersections Award honoree. The beautiful program was hosted by SisterReach, Founder and Executive Director, Cherrise Scott. I...
Acceptance into LEAP Academy

Acceptance into LEAP Academy

I am honored to share that I am one of 16 women who was selected to participate as a  L.E.A.P. Cohort 3 Fellow. About L.E.A.P. (information taken directly from the website). California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA), in partnership with...
Race Against Sexual Assault

Race Against Sexual Assault

April is Sexual Assault Awareness month. All month, I have been participating in different activities in honor of the month and to help spread awareness & education. Each year, I also strive to do something new and challenging as a way of establishing my personal...

Nulla sapien leo, placerat sed lacinia nec, rutrum quis

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec rutrum imperdiet ligula in bibendum. Aenean vulputate rutrum lobortis. Nullam non mi ac dui egestas venenatis. Etiam venenatis fermentum accumsan. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,...
The Personal Importance of SAAM

The Personal Importance of SAAM

April is recognized nationally as sexual assault awareness month, aka S.A.A.M. Throughout the month, I will be participating in a number of activities in support of the month, but it’s also quite personal for me. One of the worst experiences of my life was being...
Takin’ It to the Streets Youth Summit

Takin’ It to the Streets Youth Summit

What an honor is was to share the stage with an amazing list of men and women who came together in support of bringing awareness about several community issues plaguing Shelby Co, TN. The event was called “Takin’ it to the Streets”, featuring...
Unleash You in 2016 Telesummit

Unleash You in 2016 Telesummit

I had the pleasure of participating in a three day tele-summit entitled Unleash You in 2016: Living on Purpose, Maximizing Your Life. This was my second time participating in a tele-summit, and I must say, I have thoroughly enjoyed both experiences. I was given the...
Self Defense: Exploring Options for Protection

Self Defense: Exploring Options for Protection

Domestic abuse can leave many individuals in fear of their lives. Statistics show that once a victim of abuse decides to leave his/her abuser, there is a greater chance of the victim being assaulted, and sadly, may turn fatal. The major reason for this has to do with...
Love Should Not Be Defined by a Day

Love Should Not Be Defined by a Day

With February being known as the month of love and inclusive of Valentine’s Day, society has convinced so many people that it is necessary to buy expensive gifts and eat at fancy restaurants. And, with social media being the driving force of real time...
Girls Night-Investing In You

Girls Night-Investing In You

Recently, I had the privilege of speaking on a tele-summit entitled, She is in You. My topic was “Girls Night-Investing In You”. My focus was to share with the listening audience about my experience with overcoming domestic violence and entertaining the...