I am honored to share that I am one of 16 women who was selected to participate as a L.E.A.P. Cohort 3 Fellow.
About L.E.A.P. (information taken directly from the www.calcasa.org website).
California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA), in partnership with Women of Color Network (WOCN, Inc) has established the Leadership Education and Advancement for Professionals (LEAP) Project. LEAP’s primary purpose is to enhance the professional skills of individuals of color seeking professional advancement in the anti-violence against women field.
The goals of the LEAP Project are to:
- Build upon and enhance the professional capacity of women of color (WOC) executive directors, directors and senior managers in anti-violence against women programs.
- Create a community of support and professional network for emerging WOC executives and management leaders, aimed at reducing isolation, maximizing skills development, information-sharing, and communication.
- Optimize the success and effectiveness of emerging WOC leaders by providing opportunities to impact spheres of influence and communities through “Pay it Forward” activities.
The LEAP Project is designed to provide an intensive interactive, distance learning and in-person, comprehensive training and practicum experience. As a cohort member, LEAP Fellows will develop and enhance leadership and management skills to enable to take upon and succeed in leadership/management roles in their organizations and in the anti-violence against women field.
I have attached the link with the newsletter associated with our specific announcement. http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?m=1114973702222&ca=56fbc23f-8efd-40f4-9729-ccb4d21caab7